Fast typing fingers meme
Fast typing fingers meme

fast typing fingers meme

"Many informal tests allow users to practice the sentences, allowing unrealistically high performance." "The fastest users in our study typed 120 words per minute, which is amazing given that this is a controlled study with randomized phrases," tells Prof. Average users in this study typed 52 words per minute, much less than the professionally trained typists studied in the 70's and 80's who typically reached 60-90 words per minute. The large dataset allows to infer reliable statistics about the typing performance of modern computer users. This is partially explaining why self-taught typing techniques using less than ten fingers can be as fast as the touch typing system, which was probably not the case in the typewriter era." Anna Feit explains: "Modern keyboards allow typing keys with different fingers of the same hand with much less force than what was possible with typewriters. Also, modern users use their hands differently. People presently make different types of mistakes: more errors where a letter is replaced by another one, whereas in the typewriter era they often added characters or omitted one. Most of our knowledge of how people type is based on studies from the typewriter era.

fast typing fingers meme

The results of the study change our understanding of typing performance. "An important goal for typing is to learn not to look at fingers." "This strategy is only possible for highly practiced letter combinations and when performance does not rely on visual attention," says Anna Feit. This strategy was surprisingly prevalent, with fast users typing 40-70% of keystrokes using rollover, irrespective of whether they touch type or not. Here, the next key is pressed down before the previous finger has lifted up.

fast typing fingers meme

Fast typing fingers meme pro#

However, the study also discovered a new practice in fast typing called rollover typing, which is well-known among pro gamers but has not been observed during everyday typing. This is particularly detrimental for their performance." says Anna Feit, a doctoral student at Aalto University. Slower typists make more errors and require a long time to identify and correct them. "Correct motor execution is the key to fast typing. Not surprisingly, the data confirmed faster typists generally make less mistakes. The data sheds new light on present-day typing performance. "Ethical large-scale crowdsourcing experiments that allow us to analyse how people interact with computers on a large scale are instrumental for identifying solution principles for the design of next-generation user interfaces," says Dr Per Ola Kristensson, University Reader (Associate Professor) in Interactive Systems Engineering at the University of Cambridge.

Fast typing fingers meme